Manage and add zones
Zones are defined areas where certain rules, pricing, or availability criteria apply, and they can significantly impact rental rates. For example, rental costs in urban zones might be higher than in rural areas due to increased demand and operating costs.
Add a zone
- Navigate to the 'Zone' tab.
- Click on the "Add Zone" button to initiate the creation of a new zone.
In the form that appears, enter a specific name for the zone to help identify it easily within the system.
Select the country where the zone is located to associate it with the correct geographical area.
Optionally, you can add clients to whom you want to assign this zone. This step is useful if certain zones are tailored to specific clients or service agreements.
- Once all the details are entered, click the "Save" button to finalize and save the zone configuration.
Edit the saved Zone
- Click on the Edit Icon: Locate and click on the 'Edit'.
- Update Zone Details: Enter new details or modify existing information in the zone profile as needed, such as zone boundaries, associated facilities, or management policies.
- Save Changes: Confirm that all modifications are correct, then click the 'Save' button to apply and save the changes to the zone record.