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Manage your vehicles

  1. You can add details of the vehicles you use in your business.
  2. You can also upload and save important documents related to each vehicle.  

Add vehicle

  1. Navigate to the 'Vehicle' tab.   

  1. Click on Add button.

  1. Fill in the Required data fields 

  1. click the "Save" button

In the Vehicle tab, you can include the vehicles with the following specifics:

  1. Supplier: Supplier details for the vehicle
  2. Registration No: Vehicle's registration number
  3. Make Model: Make and model of the vehicle
  4. Country: Country of registration for the vehicle (e.g., India)
  5. Zone: Zone designation for the vehicle
  6. Year: Year of manufacture for the vehicle (e.g., 2024)
  7. Fuel Type: Fuel type used by the vehicle (e.g., PETROL)
  8. Color: The color of the vehicle
  9. Wheels: Number of wheels on the vehicle
  10. Seats: Number of seats in the vehicle
  11. Quality Check Time: Date and time of quality check for the vehicle
  12. Transmission: Transmission type of the vehicle
  13. Distance (KM): Distance travelled by the vehicle
  14. Vehicle Info: Additional information about the vehicle, including company and type
  15. On Rent: Rental status of the vehicle

Once you input these details, you can add the vehicle to the dashboard.

Edit the saved Vehicles

  1. Click on the Edit Icon

  1. Make Your Changes: Enter the new information or update the existing data as needed.
  2. Save Your Changes: After editing, click the save button to ensure all your changes are stored correctly.

Bulk upload vehicles

Navigate to Vehicle Tab

  • click on the 'Vehicle' tab

Initiate Bulk Upload

  • Click on three dots icon

  • Click on this icon to reveal additional options.

  • Select "Bulk Upload"

Select Upload Template:

  • Once "Bulk Upload" is selected, a pop-up window will appear.

  • Download the sample file provided in the pop-up, which is essential for formatting your data correctly.

Prepare Your Data:

  • Open the downloaded sample file

  • Fill it with the relevant vehicle data

  • Save the filled-out template on your system

Upload Data:

  • Drop the saved file into the document uploader

  • The data within the file will automatically be added to the masters in the Vehicle section.

Manage Tags

Add a Tag:

  • Click on the Tag button

  • Enter the new tag name in the input field.

  • Press Enter to save the tag name.

change Tags

  • Choose from the following actions:

    • Rename: Update the tag's name.

    • Delete: Remove the tag permanently.

    • Change Colour: Select a new colour for the tag.

  • Save Changes:

  • After making the changes, click on the Save button to apply your updates.

Feel free to adjust the formatting or detail level.

Manage Filters

Initiate Search:

  • Click on the Filter Search Bar.

Select Filter Type:

  • Choose the appropriate filter type from the dropdown menu.

Enter Information:

  • Input the required information into the search bar corresponding to your selected filter type.

Execute Search:

Click on the Search button.

Bulk Delete

Select Records:

  • Bulk select the records you wish to delete.

Access Additional Options:

  • Click on the 3-dot icon to open the menu.

Initiate Bulk Delete:

  • select the Bulk Delete option.

Confirm Deletion:

  • An alert will appear asking if you want to delete all the selected data.

Click on the Okay button to confirm and delete the selected records.