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Manage Stays

Stay management is crucial for providing comfortable and reliable accommodations, often as part of travel packages or corporate services.

Add Stays

  1. Navigate to the 'Stay' tab.

  2. Click on the "Add New Accommodation" button.

  1. Fill in the required fields that appear, such as the type of accommodation, location, amenities offered, and reservation details. This helps in maintaining accurate and detailed records of all accommodations available.

  1. Managing these details efficiently ensures that your clients have access to accommodations that meet their preferences and requirements.

  2. Once all details are entered, click the "Save" button.

Bulk Uoload

  • Navigate to the Stays Tab:
    • Access the 'Stays' tab located on the Console.

  • Initiate Bulk Upload:
    • Locate the three dots icon on the right-hand side of the 'Stays' tab.

  • Click on this icon to reveal additional options.
  • Select the "Bulk Upload" option from the menu.

  • Select Upload Template:
    • After selecting "Bulk Upload," a pop-up window will display.
    • This window will offer a sample file for download; proceed to download it.
    • The downloaded file serves as a template for correctly formatting your stay data.

  • Prepare Your Data:
    • Open the downloaded template.
    • Fill it with the required stay data according to the format specified in the template.
    • Save the completed template on your computer.

  • Upload the Data:
    • Drop the saved file into the document uploader provided on the Console.
    • The stay data from the file will be automatically integrated into the database.